Let's go to bed

Alunan melodi yang bermain-main di sisi telinga kanan dan kiri sedikit menjamah hati aku kali ini. It's been a while since, untuk punya waktu diam begini cuma meladeni hati yang menyesah berat. I have been sleeping on the bed for more than a few hours. It's been a while since I cherish myself and enjoy the miraculous feeling of sleeping without a stop sign. Sebenarnya boleh mewujudkan rasa muak, tapi kau akan paksa juga diri untuk tidur dan tidur walaupun beberapa kali terjaga bangun. Getting up to take a bath and grab some food nearly midnight, it feels good. As if you got nothing to worry about. Termasuklah aturan pemakanan sihat yang sedikit mencerun tunggang-langgang. Heh. I guess the more you aged, the heavier the burden. Atau mungkin sebenarnya itu cumalah frasa-frasa lemah yang digunapakai untuk menyedapkan diri sendiri. Just to reassure yourself that it's okey to feel heavy and triple lazy because problems will always occur in years ahead- that it is normal to be mundane and just be where you are right now. I have been trying real hard to manage a few things ahead my way. Not getting influenced by criteria people getting used to. I hope it turns out good. You know, the culture that has been injected into our society actually kills. Though silent and slow, it still does kill.

Beware. It's gonna kill you, and me too.
(27th October 2011-28th October 2011)


Si Fakap said...

Hmm. :)

sharamli said...


Luna said...

kali ini tak boleh tidur.

kali ini, cuba melawan kekosongan.

kali ini, hampir tidak gagal.

Pisey said...

sifakap, sharamli
Hmm hmm hmm!

Jangan gagal.