Blessing in disguise

Kakak is warded. I abruptly bought return flight tickets home because I was so worried.

Gratefully she's discharged now and will be ready to work tomorrow. I can still play the picture of her face looking surprised by my presence at the hospital with the parent on Monday. She even shed tears and hugged me for minutes. So I decided to hold her hands while sitting on her bed, while she talked to others visiting until the end of visiting hour.

Kakak was warded. I abruptly bought return flight tickets home because I was so worried. There goes my money to pay my room rental. But I was able to pay the rent anyway (just need to buy less food to last the month). I had awesome time at the parent's house too. Which are great. I can sense they're enjoying my presence too.

May kakak regained her health back. 
May I be able to strive and live well to support this family.

There are reasons as to why I am who I am, working my jobs, living my life today. I just need to do better and better to shape the good life I'm aiming.
