For yesterday

The good food always taught me well to handle things. Not to forget the good long sleep on the cosy pink-covered bed with extra pillows. And teddies. Buat aku lupa tentang letih menghadap kenderaan awam petang sebelumnya. Tentang manusia gelojoh dan kurang adab. Kisah-kisah manusia lain dan kacaunya aku. The company I had today; buat aku tidak terfikir tentang selfishness lying ahead. So, thank you blood-related people. You guys give me solid reasons on why God created us. He knew and let it happen beautifully planned.


julie.yaacob said...

oh sama2 adinda :) miss you dear, lenkali datangla lagi..

kalau nak balik kb naik fireflyz, datangla rumah saya dulu, dekat jer dgn airport

adekkuruto said...

haha. tadat duit oke. love you (;